Heather Snookal
Heather Snookal stands at the forefront of educational innovation and environmental advocacy at 2030 or Bust, leading the charge in developing comprehensive educational initiatives designed to empower the next generation in owning the climate crisis.
As the principal of Phantom Lake Elementary in Bellevue, WA, Heather spearheaded a pioneering pilot program that engaged 150 students in a dynamic exploration of climate action, setting a precedent for schools nationwide.
I skate because I know that my actions matter and make a difference! That is a context that inspires me!
The Freedom Tour is about people seizing their power to end the climate crisis.
Causing a shift in consciousness, a shift that frees us to take new action…
The idea is that we are limited by our own myth-based realities in which we live regarding the climate crisis; the biggest myth being that individuals don’t make any real impact in the matter of global warming.
$ 050 raised so far