Hannah Rojas
Hi my name is Hannah Rojas and I am 13 years old. I like to draw and play guitar. I love music, clouds, going on walks and exploring the forest near me. I live to make up characters to put into worlds I make up when I am writing and drawing.
Why I am Skating: I would love to go on this 10 mile ride for climate change because we have the power to change all of this. If we all truly came together and did small things we can make a huge change.
Little things go a long way.
The Freedom Tour is about people seizing their power to end the climate crisis.
Causing a shift in consciousness, a shift that frees us to take new action…
The idea is that we are limited by our own myth-based realities in which we live regarding the climate crisis; the biggest myth being that individuals don’t make any real impact in the matter of global warming.
$ 1483 raised so far