T-Shirt Designs
Get the graphics to design your 2023 WOW t-shirts and print them locally
Get creative with your own style, just make sure to use our logos as their are!
Talking Points
The conversation that we´re out to start. Get your group empowered and into action!

World On Wheels 2024
Talking Points
Skaters mobilizing the world to end the climate crisis.
- Ordinary people do not typically see themselves as having any real power to impact the climate crisis. Most people see global warming as too complex, too big, something “out there” for governments or institutions to deal with and resolve, something we can get to later, all of which leaves people in a trance of hope, denial, best efforts, gestures and business as usual.
- To wake people from that trance is the job of 2030 or Bust; to bring the reality of ending the crisis to the world, and with it, the power for people everywhere to step up and take action that makes the critical difference.
- We are not on track to ending the crisis in time, and this decade is our window of opportunity to radically reverse our emissions trend if we are to get on track.
- 2030 OR BUST has developed the science, strategies and tools that put the power in the hands of ordinary people.
- 2024 is the year of the skater, and we’re out to have 1 million skaters join World On Wheels this year. Our big launch for this is WOW Weekend. During WOW Weekend, we want to have 10,000 skaters join World On Wheels and 10,000 skaters downloading the 2030 GAME app and starting to take action.
- There will be a prize for the city with the most 2030 GAME app downloads and a prize for the city with the most WOW sign-ups.
- To find out about 2030 or Bust, click here.
- Share your videos on social media by using the hashtag – #worldonwheels2024
- Please use “We Rolling!” when possible.
- When you make your videos, please include skaters saying what they’re committed to in the matter of global warming, anything they see about its impact in their part of the world, and the direct actions they’re taking.
The climate crisis is a crisis of consciousness. What we’re out to accomplish with the World On Wheels tour & weekend:
10,000 people downloading the app, taking the pledge and starting to take action✊
10,000 skaters signing up for World On Wheels
The funds go to upgrading the app to be skater-friendly, supporting the WOW events happening and their communities world-wide. If you want to learn more about the World On Wheels tour where our Executive Director, Laughlin Artz, will skate 200-mile across Florida to spread awareness about the climate trance you can read more here.
The Pledge
This is the pledge we are spreading while taking our climate actions:
And from that pledge, taking action that makes that kind of difference!
In your event, the suggested order is for you to take the pledge collectively, allow time for your group to download the app, do the action and after that allow everybody to mark on the app the action they took. Not all actions are listed in the app but you can invite your group to have taken those actions before or commit to take them after the event -and mark the action collectively during the event.
T-Shirt Designs
Get the graphics to design your 2024 WOW t-shirts and print them locally
Download and send your selection to your printing store, get a invoice from them and send it our way – be sure the invoice includes payment details so we can get that cleared out for you.

Promote your event using the World On Wheels templates. Check all of our images below, select your favorite and to save , click right and save as image or open image in a new tab and save it from there.
If you´re on your phone, tap and hold, and it should offer you to download and save.
Please check back in a few days. New resources are being uploaded constantly.