
You’re Busted 2020!

No matter how you slice it, 2020 has been a total shitshow! With things going the way they are, we won’t even have the chance to get together on New Year’s Eve to give this bitch a proper heave-ho into the cosmic trash heap. And I’m talking a real New Year’s Eve bash, not yet one more pathetic Zoom faux celebration.


Pandemic, racism, wildfires, police brutality, political insanity, economic collapse, what with all of that, why in the world would we see this as the time to hit the road and skateboard across the country? Well, for one thing, it is the completion of 2020 or Bust, the final part of the final year of our campaign. So in the spirit of who we are and how we roll, namely that we don’t let circumstances (regardless of how severe or daunting) stop us, well baby, we’re going.


The tour is also the perfect opportunity to close out 2020, to take a deep breath and look beyond the madness of the circumstances and see what lies behind the curtain. We are out to bring a new perspective to the year, a year that we say deserves to be busted. Busted for its stupidity, its lack of awareness, its fundamental breaches of integrity, its hypocrisy, its blind ambition, its thoughtlessness, its disregard for the magnificence of the human spirit, and its penchant for an insatiable appetite for bullshit. That’s the busting we’re out to offer.


What it will take to end the climate crisis is a critical mass of humanity powerfully related to the reality of the situation and inaction consistent with that reality. You can substitute in that statement any of the crises of 2020 for the climate crisis and you’ll find yourself engaged in the same order of work that 2020 or Bust brings to the situation of climate change. And we are clear that 2020 isn’t what really needs busted; that’s just the period of time in history that happens to hold this exceptional collection of disasters. What needs to be busted is you, me, and us. Humanity.


What we’re doing isn’t working. Who we are isn’t working. And what we’re doing about it isn’t working. We say it’s time to shine the light in that direction, to bring out of the shadows and into the foreground the real crisis that underlies the mess that is 2020: who we are; how we relate to ourselves, each other, and the world.

2020 is not a crisis of politics or prejudice or economics or wildfires or any of the other scapegoats that let us keep working on the tried and not-so-true. 2020 is a crisis of consciousness.


Join us in this great awakening, join us in this radical interruption in humanity itself, join us in busting 2020, and with it, make way for what could never have even been imagined.

You’re Busted 2020!

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